CORONET is a 131' wooden schooner built for oil tycoon Rufus T. Bush in 1885. She is the last Gilded Age yacht of her kind in the world. Built for luxury transatlantic crossings, she featured a marble staircase, stained glass windows, a piano, and many other elaborate features. In 1887, CORONET'S owner issued a $10,000 challenge against any yacht for a transatlantic race. Only the yacht DAUNTLESS was willing to take up the challenge. CORONET handily beat DAUNTLESS in the race across the pond. On March 28, 1887, The New York Times devoted its front page to the exciting story.  

Donated to IYRS in 1995, CORONET spent 11 years as a remarkable student restoration project before being sold to a private party in 2006. Although under new ownership, she remained on the IYRS campus undergoing restoration by skilled shipwrights who included many IYRS students and alumni.  Throughout the years, thousands of visitors have come to IYRS to view CORONET's restoration.

In 2022, ownership of CORONET was transferred to Crew, owned by brothers Alex and Miles Pincus. In a carefully orchestrated series of events on December 2, 2022, CORONET was lifted off the hard at IYRS by the largest crane on the East coast, floated for the first time in almost two decades, and towed to Mystic Seaport Museum where her restoration will be completed. Follow along with the restoration here.

Launch of Coronet - December 2, 2022